Other Group Members

Meet our other group members!

The success of our group members lies in the strong performance, the diversity, synergy between them. If you want to find out more about what makes them so special or what they can do for your business or industry, read the short description below and visit their respective websites.

Imotron Instruments B.V.

For more than 40 years Imotron Instruments B.V. has been known as a Corrosion Monitoring specialist within the oil and gas industry. Imotron has accomplished this through a dedication for total customer service, with quality products and with new product development. Part of their product line is a complete line of laboratory instrumentation and consumables for checking the quality of water. The customers of Imotron are widespread across Europe and are served from the office in which also Zematra is established, located in the village of Halsteren between Europe’s main harbors: Antwerp and Rotterdam.
For more information contact Imotron Instruments or visit their website.

Zematra Marine

For several decades, the Marine industry has benefited from the in-house knowledge and technology of the Zematra Marine portable test equipment for monitoring efficient plant operation on board sea going vessels, offshore platforms, power stations, and more.

Meeting the requirements of a possible Quality Management Program, purchase departments have the confirmation that the proper quantity and/or quality of fuel and lubricating oil has been delivered to their vessel. Technicians have a comprehensive tool for avoiding excessive wear, power failure, delay, or even damage. Above all, results are available on the spot. During the years our kits and tools are also used on land in the Wind Energy industry. For more information contact Zematra Marine or visit their website.