Certificates Zematra B.V.

On this page you find all Zematra certificates.

We at Zematra are very proud of our certificates and classifications. On this page you’ll find all Zematra certificates. Our certificates are all available for download in the languages English and Dutch. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

ISO / International Organization for Standardization

Zematra B.V. is an ISO accredited company. Our management system meets the requirements of standard BS EN ISO 9001: 2015. Our scope is the purchase, storage, assembly, customization, sale and installation of professional analysis equipment and other devices, as well as service, testing and calibration.

VCA / VCA / Safety, Health and Environment Checklist Contractors

Zematra B.V. has a quality management system that meets the requirements of the standard SCC * (2017 / 6.0). The quality management system has been assessed following the Dutch TUV certification procedure for the following scope: composition, adjustment, installation, and maintenance of professional analysis equipment i.e. calibration and testing equipment for the (petro)chemical, food, paint, pharmaceutical and marine industry (Nace code: C33).

Laborama Quality Service Label

Laborama has awarded the Laborama Quality Service label to Zematra B.V. With this label the federation Laborama confirms that Zematra stands for quality and continues to improve the quality of its products and services.